Jean-David Waeber studied organ with Jean-François Vaucher at the Conservatoire de Lausanne and then with Maurizio Croci at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne, while studying literature at the University of Fribourg. After obtaining a Master’s degree in interpretation, he perfected his knowledge of early music at the Civica Scuola di Musica in Milan, mainly with Lorenzo Ghielmi. He also attended masterclasses in Switzerland and abroad with personalities such as Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Michael Radulescu, Pieter van Dijk, José Luis Gonzalez Uriol, Maurizio Salerno and Hans Davidson.
He is also a graduate in related fields of organ music such as singing, improvisation and choral conducting. Jean-David Waeber regularly performs chamber music on the harpsichord or organ and conducts the Oracantat choir in Sion as well as the various ensembles of the cathedral choir of this city. In his capacity as musical director, he conducts a wide repertoire each month, ranging from Gregorian chant to his own compositions, including the magnificent cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. He also devotes a large part of his time to teaching and training young people at the Lycée-Collège des Creusets in Sion as well as at the “Ecole maîtrisienne de la Cathédrale de Sion”.