It is customary, when introducing a conductor, to mention their academic background, vocal history, extensive musical training, and, above all, a long list of classical or creatively directed works. Our conductor, however, does not conform to this model. Humility, tenacity, determination, friendship, and emotion constitute the soil in which Pierre-Elie’s fruits are now bearing.
A sensitivity that is palpable allows him to exude the emotions that inhabit him. To move others because one is moved oneself, to be authentic in both being and singing, to leave the “pretty” behind and strive for the beautiful, and to communicate a shared message – these are the guiding principles that shape our conductor’s performance. “It’s better, but try doing it while singing now” or “You could try doing it together” as we repeat this passage for the umpteenth time, not technically difficult or even dissonant. How many times have we heard such phrases? Convinced that improvement is always possible, but also aware of all the barriers limiting progress, as a self-taught musician and sometimes in opposition to his peers, Pierre-Elie aspires to instill in his choir such internalization of the movement of a piece that they can interpret it without a conductor. This is because they don’t just have it on the surface but deep in their “guts.”